By Dr. Karen Bender Feeling Blue? Has the isolation and uncertainty of the past year left you feeling sad, lonely and anxious? If so you are not alone. The circumstance of the past year have been challenging for most of us. We have had to adapt to many changes outside of our control. We are spending more time at home … Read More
Compassion for Success
By Dr. Karen Bender Meet Your Harsh Inner Critic What happens inside your head when you do not reach your goals, or you fall short of the expectations set by yourself or others? If you are like many people, you are met with a harsh voice that is often brutally unkind and almost impossible to satisfy rather than an encouraging … Read More
6 Reasons Why You Can Still Have Symptoms in Celiac Disease after Gluten Elimination
By Aylah Clark, ND Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where gluten consumption triggers an inflammatory response and damage to the intestines. It is caused by a complex interaction between genetic predisposition, intestinal microbiome, environment, and immune system. Symptoms & Diagnosis Symptoms can vary widely but can include gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, and mouth sores, but … Read More
5 Steps to Ending Your Screen Addiction
By Aylah Clark, ND How often do you check your phone? Do you ever think you feel your phone vibrating but it wasn’t? Do you look at your phone to check the time and end up spending 10 minutes on Facebook, finding you never actually looked at the time? Have you eaten across the table from someone who spent more … Read More
Tried & True Ways to Stick to Your Health & Fitness Goals
By Aylah Clark, ND If you’ve struggled with sticking to your health and fitness goals, perhaps its time for a change in strategy. Below you will find some of the top strategies I use in my practice to help patients make their goals into long term lifestyle changes. Individualize Your Plan Your friend or your co-worker may have things that … Read More
Garcinia cambogia – worth the weight loss hype?
By Aylah Clark, ND Recently we’ve had patients asking about Garcinia cambogia due to a Dr. Oz show that touted its weight loss-promoting properties. Let me start by saying this herb is not a new discovery. Researchers have known about it for many years and it is found in many weight loss supplements. Perhaps this might also tell you that whatever impact … Read More
10 Things You Can do to Help Control Healthy DNA Expression
If you have a parent or other family member with a health condition like high cholesterol or cancer you’ve probably considered you may have a genetic predisposition for those conditions. Though this may be true, it doesn’t mean you can’t influence your risk. It’s no secret that diet and exercise can have positive influences on your health and risk for … Read More
5 Nutrients for Men’s Health You Don’t Want To Miss
Men’s health can mean a lot of things but this discussion will primarily center around 5 key nutrients that support cardiovascular health, sexual health, and muscle mass– topics we find are important to many of our male patients. When we talk about men’s health, it’s worth mentioning vascular health for a few reasons. One reason is to support cardiovascular function for a healthy … Read More
Red Meat: Friend or Foe?
Historically, it has been accepted in the medical community that increased consumption of red meat increases all-cause mortality including cardiovascular disease and cancer (especially colon cancer). [1] However, most of the studies that indicate such results often do not differentiate between processed and unprocessed meat or other factors that influence the nutritional quality of the meat such as a grass-based diet. Here … Read More