By Aylah Clark, ND It may not surprise you that the majority of my patients come in with some level of concern about their weight. Even if it is not their primary concern, the issue is on their short list. Certainly part of that comes down to societal constructs of what we think we should look like, comparing perfectly healthy … Read More
Tried & True Ways to Stick to Your Health & Fitness Goals
By Aylah Clark, ND If you’ve struggled with sticking to your health and fitness goals, perhaps its time for a change in strategy. Below you will find some of the top strategies I use in my practice to help patients make their goals into long term lifestyle changes. Individualize Your Plan Your friend or your co-worker may have things that … Read More
Garcinia cambogia – worth the weight loss hype?
By Aylah Clark, ND Recently we’ve had patients asking about Garcinia cambogia due to a Dr. Oz show that touted its weight loss-promoting properties. Let me start by saying this herb is not a new discovery. Researchers have known about it for many years and it is found in many weight loss supplements. Perhaps this might also tell you that whatever impact … Read More
10 Things You Can do to Help Control Healthy DNA Expression
If you have a parent or other family member with a health condition like high cholesterol or cancer you’ve probably considered you may have a genetic predisposition for those conditions. Though this may be true, it doesn’t mean you can’t influence your risk. It’s no secret that diet and exercise can have positive influences on your health and risk for … Read More
Red Meat: Friend or Foe?
Historically, it has been accepted in the medical community that increased consumption of red meat increases all-cause mortality including cardiovascular disease and cancer (especially colon cancer). [1] However, most of the studies that indicate such results often do not differentiate between processed and unprocessed meat or other factors that influence the nutritional quality of the meat such as a grass-based diet. Here … Read More
Wine & Broccoli with a Side of Chemistry: Demystifying Sulfur-Based Allergies
by Aylah Clark, ND Sulfa, sulfur, sulfites, and sulfates are often confused for apparent reasons. Each of these also have the potential to cause adverse reactions in certain people. If you’re allergic to sulfa drugs should you be worried about sulfites? Why are sulfites in wine? Are they in all wine? Can you have a reaction to sulfur? What are the differences in reactions … Read More
Before you buy Gluten-Free Beer you Must Read This!
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Gluten & Beer (and probably some stuff you didn’t) PLUS Your Go-To List for the Best Gluten-Free Beers By Aylah Clark, ND Have you been told that you should reduce your gluten intake, creating a serious conflict with your love of the sudsy amber nectar we call beer? For some, giving up their … Read More
Stop Making this Common Breakfast Mistake!
We hear about how important breakfast is all. the. time. But what we don’t hear is WHAT we should be eating for breakfast. And unfortunately some of the most common breakfast foods are the worst things to be filling yourself with first thing in the day. Think of the typical American breakfast foods that get eaten during the week: bagels, … Read More
Taking Supplements- Between Meals, With Meals? – Easing the Confusion
Many patients when they initially visit our office are confused about how they should take supplements that they have self prescribed. Should they be taken with meals, away from food, before bed, in divided doses? First, we assess the supplements a new patient is already taking to determine whether there are harmful combinations, toxic doses of certain components, ineffective forms … Read More
Common Food Sources of Magnesium
As physicians, we often find that many of our patients have clinical signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency. We also frequently include as part of the initial lab test evaluation for patients a test called RBC magnesium (which is a better indicator of tissue status) which also we often find to be low or deficient. As a result, we are … Read More