chiro-300Chiropractic Care

The chiropractic approach to health care is holistic, with the vision to see the human body as much more than the sum of its parts. Stressing the patient’s overall well being, it recognizes that many factors affect health, including exercise, diet, rest, environment and heredity. Chiropractic focuses on maintaining optimal health naturally so that the body is better able to resist disease, rather than simply treating the symptoms of disease. Chiropractic is a drug-free, non-surgical science and, as such, does not include pharmaceuticals or incisive surgery.

Chiropractic can provide relief and healing, and promote optimal functioning to a diverse range of conditions. Our chiropractors have great success treating conditions like:

  • Arthritis
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Breech and Malposition (Transverse)- Webster Technique and Acupuncture
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Disc Problems
  • Headaches, Migraines and Neck Pain
  • Injuries
  • Knee and Elbow Conditions
  • Low Back Pain
  • Pain Due to Pregnancy and Post-partum Conditions
  • Sciatica, Numbness and Tingling
  • Scoliosis
  • Shoulder conditions

In the acute stage of an injury, chiropractic and physical medicine can be very effective in relieving pain and discomfort. As your injury heals, physical rehabilitation can help you recover full use and prevent further injury. If you need additional care, you will be provided with referrals to other health care professionals.


Our doctors are providers for many insurance companies including, but not limited to, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Connecticare, Corvel, Cigna, First Health Network, United Health Care, HealthNet, Landmark, Oxford, PHCS and Medicare. He submits all insurance claims as a courtesy to his patients. During the initial visit, we will check your insurance benefits, as many plans have chiropractic coverage for out of network providers. We also accepts personal injury cases and are provider for many worker’s compensation plans.

This service is offered by the following providers:

Dr. Mark S. Stagg, Chiropractic Physician

Physical Medicine

Physical medicine provides relief and healing to a wide variety of conditions. For example, many patients with disc problems can greatly benefit from automated disc traction therapy, often avoiding the need for surgery. Hypertonic muscles can be addressed with electric muscle stimulation, while patients with rheumatoid arthritis can achieve relief through paraffin hand baths. Care plans are also designed for people suffering from injuries sustained from motor vehicle accidents and sports.

Physical therapies currently offered at our office include:

  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Contrast Hydrotherapy
  • Disc Traction
  • Electric Muscle Stimulation
  • Massage and Trigger Point Therapy
  • Hydrocollated Heat
  • Intersegmental Traction
  • Paraffin Bath
  • Stretching Programs
  • Strengthening and Endurance Exercises

This service is offered by the following provider:

Dr. Mark S. Stagg, Chiropractic Physician